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Using The Data File Links Index Window

The Data File Links Index Window is used to manage all of the Data File Link records in a project.

This window can be opened by clicking on the Data File Links Index hyperlink found at the top of almost every window in the software.

Like all "Index" windows, this window's primary function is to make it easy to locate a record, select it, and then click on some hyperlinked function that will do something with, or to, that record.

Data File Links Index Window

Using Simple Keyword Searches To Locate Computer Files And Then Open Them

The easiest way to find a record is to do one or more keyword searches, using keywords that you think will be found somewhere in the contents of the records your searching for.

For example, if I were looking for any computer files that had something to do with, "brainstorming how to write the code for drag and drop operations", I could start by doing a keyword search for 'brainstorming' to see what comes up. This search found 16 records.

Searching for records containing 'brainstorming'

Now, I search those records for the ones that have the phrase 'drag and drop' somewhere in their contents, and just one record is found.

I single click on that record to select it, and because the record is linked to an image file, I can see a preview of that image.

Searching for records containing 'drag and drop'

The image preview looks like a photographed note. Now, if I want to see that image, all I have to do is double click anywhere on the record, or the Image Preview panel, and the software that works with that type of file, will load and display that image.

On my computer, the Windows Photo Viewer software is used to display image files and you can see the note it's displaying below.

The selected record's image file is loaded and displayed using Windows Photo Viewer

It won't matter what type of computer file a Data File Link record is linked to, if you double click anywhere on that record, the software that's used to work with that type of computer file, is going to be loaded and it will display the computer file's contents for you.

This feature makes it very fast and easy to locate computer files, load them, and then start working with their contents, using the software that you usually use for that kind of data.

Using An Advanced Search To Find Data File Link Records

There will be times though when you want to search just a set of specific fields, and perhaps for more than one set of keywords at a time. To perform these types of searches you can click on the Advanced Search hyperlink.

The type of searches done above were examples of regular keyword searches. These types of searches let you search all the displayed records, for the 'keyword phrase' entered in the Search field.

For a detailed lesson on how to perform Advanced Searches, click here.

Advanced Search hyperlink

Finding Data File Link Records Related To The One Your Working With

The Data File Link record that's currently selected was created by a Task record. I know this because there's no ID numbers for a parent Note, or Work Session record.

The last ID number in the record tells you which type of parent record created this Data File Link record.

Now, let's say that I'm curious about what other computer files are linked to that Task record, to find out all I have to do is click on the "The Task's Data File Links" hyperlink, and a list of those computer files (Data File Link records) will be displayed.

The image below shows that 9 computer files are linked to the Task record.

The record's parent Task record's list of linked computer files is displayed in the 
                index window.

Whatever other types of records the selected Data File Link record is owned by, one of the hyperlinks in the

The, "This Data File's Siblings" hyperlink's name is not very clear about which parent record's Data File Link records it'll be displaying. That hyperlink displays the record's "directly linked" parent record's", Data File Link records, and here's how you figure out which type of record, that parent record is.

The record's parent Task record's list of linked computer files is displayed in the 
            index window.

Look at the ID numbers of the parent records that own the Data File Link record. The ID number of the record lowest in the list, is the directly linked parent record. In the image below, there's only an Idea and Task ID. So, the Task record is the Data File Link record's directly linked parent record, because that's the record that created it.

So, if you click on the "This Data File's Siblings" hyperlink, you'll see a list of that parent record's Data File Link records.

The record's parent Task record's list of linked computer files is displayed in the 
                index window.

Opening A Selected Record's Parent Record

By clicking the appropriate Display... hyperlink, you can display any of the selected Data File Link record's parent records in their editing window.

The Display Related Hyperlinks list.

For example, if I wanted to look at the Task record that owns the selected Data File Link record in the image, all I need to do is click on the Display Task hyperlink, and that Task record will be displayed in its "editing" window, and I can work with it (see next image).

Clicking the Display Task hyperlink displays the record's parent task in its editing window.

The parent Task record is being displayed in its "editing" window and you can make changes to it in there.

The parent task is displayed in the Task Window, its editing window.

Making Changes To The Selected Data File Link Record

Any of these hyperlinks will make changes to the selected Data File Link record.

These hyperlinks make changes to the selected Data File Link record.

Detailed instructions on how to use these features are provided in these help pages.

Opening And Editing A Data File Link Record
Deleting And Restoring A Data File Link Record
Changing A Data File Link Record's Source File