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Deleting And Restoring Data File Link Records

Data File Link records link a computer file to a specific database record and all of that record's parent records.

Data File Link record.

Data File Link records are always displayed in some type of "Index" window, and can always be found in the Data File Links Index.

The Data File Links Index Window lists all of the Data File Link records in a project, and provides hyperlinks for deleting or restoring a selected Data File Link record.

Data File Links Index Window with a record selected.

Deleting A Data File Link Record

The process shown here for deleting a Data File Link record is done using the Data File Links Index window, but any window that displays the Delete Selected Data File Link hyperlink can be used, and the process will be the same.

Start by locating (via a keyword search or visually) the Data File Link record you want to delete and then single click on that record to select it.

Data File Links Index Window with a record selected.

Then click on the Delete Selected Data File Link hyperlink (image above) to delete the record. It's found on the left hand side of the window. The linked file will not be deleted, only the database record will.

A dialog box will pop up and it will ask you to confirm the deletion.

Confirm the deletion.

If you click Yes, the dialog box will close and the selected record will be deleted from its database and every record that was linked to it.

The record is deleted from its database and all of its parent 

Restoring A Deleted Data File Link Record

The process shown here for restoring a deleted Data File Link record is done using the Data File Links Index window, but any window that displays the Restore Deleted Data File Links hyperlink can be used, and the process will be the same.

Open the Data File Links Index Window (image below) by clicking on the Data File Links Index hyperlink at the top of almost every window in the software.

Then click on the Restore Deleted Data File Links hyperlink.

Open the Data File Links Index Window.

The window displays a list of all the deleted records. Search that list for the record you're looking for and when you find it, single click on it to select it.

The Index Window displays a list of the deleted records. Search .

Now click on the Restore Selected Data File Links hyperlink.

A dialog box will pop up and it's asking you to select the type of parent database record to link the restored record too.

Click the appropriate button in the dialog box.

Click the button for the type of parent record you want to link 
                        the restored Data File Link record to.

I'll be restoring the deleted record to its original Work Session record. So I clicked the Work Session button (image above). But, before I clicked the Work Session button, I jotted down the last 4 digits of the deleted record's parent Work Session record. I'll be using those digits to locate that Work Session record, in the list of records that's displayed below.

Now another dialog box opens and it's displaying all the parent records of that type in the project.

Search for, and then single click on, the parent record you want to link to the restored Data File Link record.

Then double click anywhere on that record, and the deleted Data File Link record will be restored to it.

A list of parent records is displayed. Search the list for the 
                    record you want to link to the restored record and double click on it.

Or, you can type, or paste, the entire parent record's ID number into the Use This Work Session ID field, and then press the Enter key on your keyboard.

The Data File Links Index window displays and the deleted record is restored and linked to the parent record you selected above, and all of that parent record's parent records.

The deleted record is restored and linked to the new parent record and all of its parent records.