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Searching For Work Session Records

The easiest way to find any Work Session record is to open the Work Sessions Index Window by clicking on the Work Sessions Index hyperlink found at the top of almost every window in the software.

Work Sessions Index Window

Then enter one or more keywords into the Search Panel at the bottom, center, of the window and click the Search hyperlink.

Keyword Search

The window will display any Work Session records that contain the keywords your searched for.

Where those keywords were found in each record will be highlighted in light purple.

Work Sessions Index Window displaying matching records.

Using An Idea, Task, Or Subtask Record's "Work Sessions Index Window" To Search For Work Session Records

Work Session records are owned by combinations of Task, Subtask, and Idea records.

A Work Session Record

Any window that's displaying these types of records is going to have the Display Work Sessions hyperlink in it.

If you click that hyperlink, you'll see a "Work Sessions Index" type window open and it will be displaying a list of all the Work Session records that the parent record owns.

Display Work Sessions hyperlink.

For example, the Ideas Index Window in this image has an Idea record selected in it.

That Idea record is linked to 259 Work Session records.

Ideas Index window with an Idea record selected.

When the Display Work Sessions hyperlink is clicked on in that window, a new window, the Idea's Work Sessions Index Window will be opened and it will be displaying those 259 Work Session records that the Idea record is linked to.

Display Work Sessions hyperlink.

This type of 'Work Sessions Index Window', looks almost identical to the actual Work Sessions Index window that I've been discussing at the start of the web page, and it works the same way that window does too.

Work Sessions Index Window.

To locate Work Session records in an Idea's Tasks Index Window, you'll typically use the window's Search panel and a keyword search to find them, just like you would in the Work Sessions Index Window.

A keyword search.

For example, the keyword search shown above locates 11 matching Work Session records out of the 259 records the Idea's Tasks Index window is displaying.

Matching records from the search above are displayed.

Using Multiple, Consecutive, Keyword Searches To Locate Records

Each time you run a keyword search, the new search, searches the set of records currently displaying in the "Index" window.

By running consecutive searches, where each search uses a different set of keywords, you can narrow down the set of matching records being displayed, until it's easy to find the record you're looking for with just a visual scan.

These three consecutive searches will find any records that started or ended on a Friday, in January, of 2020, and whose work was started or ended in the AM hours.

It's possible that any of these keywords might not be in fields you expect them to be in, and so records you're not looking for might show up in the results, but there would be very few of them, and they would not be hard to spot.

Consecutive keyword searches are used to find a set of matching records.

The following example shows how the three consecutive searches above are used to locate a set of records.

The first search, the one looking for records that contained 'friday, january', found 42 matching records out of 3,425 records that were searched.

Searching for records that contained friday, january in their contents.

Now to find which of the 42 records was in 2020, or has 2020 somewhere in their field data, the second search is run.

This new search finds 17 matching records, from the 42 records that were searched.

Work Sessions Index Window displaying matching records for 2020 search.

Now we can run the third search by clearing the '2020' keywords and replace them with ' AM'.

That's a space and then an 'AM'.

This search found 5 matching records out of the 17 that were searched, and it would be very easy to do a visual search on them to find the one(s) we wanted.

Work Sessions Index Window displaying matching records for AM search.

Opening A Work Session Record In Its Editing Window

After you've searched for, and found a record you're looking for, if you want to open it in it's editing window so you can make changes to its fields, all you have to do is double click anywhere on that record's entry in the list.

For example, to open the first record in the search example done above, you would just double click anywhere on that record's entry.

Double click anywhere on a record entry to have its record opened in the Work Session window, the record's editing window.

The record is displayed in the Work Session Window, it's editing window.

The Work Session record is displaying in the Work Session Window now.

Using An Advanced Search To Find Records

So far, in this help page, we've been doing regular keyword searches, where you enter one or more keywords into the Search field and click the Search hyperlink.

A keyword search panel with some keywords in it.

This type of search treats the keywords as a single block of text (friday, january), that it searches for in all of a records fields.

The only search criteria the search uses is that the field contains the entire block, somewhere inside of it.

However, there will be lots of times when you need to search one or more specific fields, in simple or complicated ways, and using a series of consecutive searches will simply be to time consuming, or not even possible.

When you need this type of search, you should click on the Advanced Search hyperlink in the Search panel.

The Advanced Search hyperlink is circled in red.

You'll see an Advanced Search Settings dialog box pop up, and you can use it to select the fields you want searched, and then configure the rules for what's to be searched in that field, how comparisons are made, and how many of the keywords have to be found in each searched field.

The Advanced Search dialog box is displayed.

In this image, the dialog box is configuring a search on the Start Time field of a Work Session record.

This single advanced search, is looking for the same data that we had to use the three consecutive searches above, to find.

But this time, only the Start Time field is searched, because it's the only one that needs to be searched. The regular keyword searches had to search all the record's fields.

The Advanced Search dialog box is configuring a search on the Start Time field of a Work Session record.

After the Search hyperlink in the dialog box is clicked on, only 2 records, out of the 3,425 that were searched, started on a Friday in January of 2020, during the AM hours.

The 3 consecutive, regular searches, that were done in the previous demonstration, found more records using the same keywords, but that's because those searches could not just search the Start Time field only.

They had to search all the fields in each record and return the record as a match if the keywords were found in any fields other than the Start field.

For more details about how to do Advanced Searches on Work Session records, click here.

The search results are displayed.