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Using The Work Session Window

About Work Session Records

Work Session records always represent a single period of time, when work was done on some task, or will be done on that task.

Their descriptions can be anything you want them to be, but typically they describe the work that needs to be done, or at least started, during the session. Often, their description will be the same as their 'parent' task record's description.

A Work Session Record

When these record's are created they always store the ID number of the specific Task record they were created for, and the documentation often refer's to this task as the 'parent' task. If the 'parent' task is a subtask, and therefor owned by one or more, of its own 'parent' task records, then each of those tasks will store the ID number of the new Work Session record too. This allows them to help you locate and load that Work Session record when you need it again in the future.

Work Session records can be linked to an unlimited number of Note and Data File Link (comupter files) records. This makes it very easy to capture any kind of information related to the session and link that information to the Work Session record, so that it, and all of its parent records, can track that data for you, and rapidly locate and load it, when you need it in the future.

The Work Session in this image is linked to one Note record and two computer files.

A Work Session Record

Creating Work Session Records

Any window that displays any of the hyperlinks shown in this image can create a new Work Session record for you when you click on that hyperlink.

Any window that displays one or more of these hyperlinks, is going to have some way of determining exactly which Task record (that they're working with, or associated with) needs to be the new Work Session's parent Task record, and they're going to link them together for you.

Hyperlinks that create Work Session records.

The Work Session Window

When a new Work Session record is created by clicking on any but the last two hyperlinks in the list above, a new Work Session Window is opened and it's displaying the new Work Session record.

That Work Session will have the same description as its parent Task record. Sometimes that's OK, but most of the time you're going to want to change that description.

This image shows a Work Session window, displaying a finished work session, that's representing the Work Session record at the top of this page.

Work Session Window displaying a finished Work Session record.

The Work Session window is the 'editing' window for Work Session records and its primary jobs are the following:

All of the above database operations that this window can perform, plus a few more, have been written about in other Help Pages, so they won't be covered again here. To see them just click on Work Sessions hyperlink at the top of this web page and a list of topics will be displayed to you.