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Scheduling Work Session Records

About Work Sessions And Their Date, Duration, And Progress Settings

Work Session records represent a specific unit of work that will be, or was done on a specific task.

Work Session record's have fields that capture the start and end dates and times, for their work session.

They use this data to calculate the session's duration, and to determine the record's progress status.

A finished Work Session record, like the one shown in this image has a start and end dates, and a duration.

A 'Finished' Work Session record

They're always created for a single, specific task, and linked to it, because it's that task's work it'll be doing.

When a Work Session record is created it has no start or end dates set, and no duration.

At this time it's considered as 'Unscheduled'.

This image show's an Unscheduled Work Session record.

A 'Unscheduled' Work Session record

As soon as a Work Session record's Start Time is set to a future date and time, the Work Session record is set to the 'Scheduled' status.

Because the record has no end time yet, it also has no duration setting either.

It's not shown in this image, but if the start time is the current time, or less than the current time, the Work Sessions status is set to 'In Progress'.

A 'Scheduled' Work Session record

Setting The Work Session's Start Date

To give the Work Session record a start date you have two options.

If you want the start date to be the current date and time then click on the Start Timer hyperlink.

Click the Change Start Time hyperlink to set a future date and time for the record. 
                        Otherwise click the Start Timer hyperlink to use the current date and time.

If you want the Start date to be in the future then click on the Change Start Time hyperlink.

Click the Change Start Time hyperlink to set a future date and time for the record. 
                        Otherwise click the Start Timer hyperlink to use the current date and time.

After you click the Change Start Time hyperlink a very simple time and date editing dialog box is displayed.

Change the time and date settings for the record, using the dialog box that pops up.

Just change the date, or time fields, to the settings that you want, and then click on the Accept hyperlink.

Change the time and date settings for the record, using the dialog box that pops up.

Those settings will be applied to the Work Session record's Start Time field.

The Start Time is set to the new values.

The Work Session record is now scheduled, and it's progress status switches to 'Scheduled'.

The Work Session's scheduled now, and now you can start assigning people to it, if you need to.

Assigning Workers To A Work Session

Most of the time when you schedule a Work Session record to start in the future, you also want to assign a set of workers to do that session's work too.

Before a Work Session can have people assigned to it, the record must be linked to a single Work Assignment record, and this record can only be created by clicking on the Add Work To Team Members hyperlink, in any window that displays it.

Hyperlinks that manage a Work Sessions workers.

To create a Work Assignment record you need to start by opening the Work Session record in a Work Session Window.

Or, by locating and selecting one in an 'Index' type window such as the Work Sessions Index Window (not shown).

If you've just created the Work Session record, then it's already being displayed to you in a Work Session Window.

A new Work Session record is displayed in a Work Session Window.

Creating The Work Assignment Record

Now you can start assigning people to do the sessions work and to do that you'll need to click on the Add Work To Team Members hyperlink.

The Work Session's scheduled now, and now you can start assigning people to it, if you need to.

After you click that hyperlink, the software will create a Work Assignment record and link it to your Work Session record.

A Work Assignment Record.

The Work Assignment record takes care of keeping track of which Team Member and Team records are assigned to do the Work Session's work.

A Work Assignment Record is being linked to the selected Team Member records.

When Work Session records are displayed, they always look like a description of a record.

You don't see a combination of their field names and values as you do with other database records.

A Work Assignment records always look like descriptions.

Also, Work Session records are only ever displayed in the certain panels displayed inside the Team Work Services Window.

The Team Work Services Window is opened and you use it to link people to the Work Session record's Work Assignment record.

Adding Team Members To The Work Assignment

After the Work Session and Work Assignment records are linked to each other, the Team Work Services Window is displayed

You'll use the panels in the center of that window to link the Work Assignment record, to the Team Members you want to do the work.

This image shows a list of existing Team Member records that can be linked to the Work Assignment.

The Team Work Services Window is opened and you use it to link people to the Work Session 
                        record's Work Assignment record.

If the Team Members and/or Teams you need don't exist yet they can be created by clicking on the New Team and/or New Team Member hyperlinks and creating them.

Hyperlinks for creating Team Member and Team records.

Select The Work Assignment Record First

To link a Work Assignment to a set of Team Member records start by locating the Work Assignment record in the panel on the left.

Then single click it to select it.

It'll turn light green and it'll have a check mark set.

The Team Members to be assigned are selected. Now, just click on the Assign Work To Team Members hyperlink to assign them to the Work Assignment record.

Adding The Team Members To The Work Assignment

Now, in the Team Members panel, click on each Team Member you want linked to the Work Assignment record.

Each clicked record will turn light green and have its check mark set.

Selected Team Member records.

Finally, click on the Assign Work To Team Members hyperlink to link the members to the Work Assignment record.

The Team Members to be assigned are selected. Now, just click on the Assign Work To Team Members hyperlink to assign them to the Work Assignment record.

Displaying The Work Session Record Again

Now, the Work Assignment is linked to its team members, and the Work Session's "scheduling" is done.

To return to the Work Session window, either close the Team Work Services Window, or click the Display Work Session hyperlink.

Click the Display Work Session hyperlink to return to the Work Session record for the selected Work Assignment record.