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Opening And Editing A Work Session Window

Only the Work Session Window can edit a Work Session record, but many other windows offer hyperlinks, that will load a Work Session record they are working with into a new Work Session Window, so you can edit that record.

Work Session Window

This image shows the hyperlinks that are used to create and/or display a Work Session record in a Work Session Window.

Hyperlinks that can create and/or display Work Session records in a Work Session Window.

Another way of loading a Work Session record into a Work Session window is to locate and then double click on any Work Session Record Entry in any kind of Work Session Index Window.

Such as the,

  • Work Sessions Index Window
  • Idea's Work Sessions Index Window
  • Task's Work Sessions Index Window

This image shows a selected Work Session Record Entry in a Work Sessions Window.

Double clicking any Work Session Record Entry in an 'Index' window, will load that entry's Work Session into a new Work Session Window so you can edit it.

This image shows the Work Session Window displaying the above record entry's Work Session record, after that record entry was double clicked on.

This Work Session Window is displaying a Work Session that was loaded by double clicking on a 
                        Work Session Record Entry in an Index window.