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Displaying A Work Session's Child Records

Every Work Session record is capable of being linked to an unlimited number of Note, and Data File Link (computer file) records.

The Work Session record shown in the image below is linked to 2 notes, and 2 computer files.

The database records linked to a Work Session record are referred to as its "child records", and sometimes as its "owned" records.

Work Session Record

This image shows the hyperlinks that display lists of child record for a Work Session record

The names of these hyperlinks clearly tell you which type of child record that hyperlink will display after you click on it.

Hyperlinks that display Note and Data File records for a Work Session are circled.

If you're working with a Work Session record in an "Index" window, such as the Work Sessions Index Window, then you'll need to locate and then select the Work Session record first, before you can click on any of the Display... hyperlinks that will show you a list of that work session's child records.

To select a record, just single click on it.

Work Sessions Index Window with the Display... hyperlinks for the work session's child records circled.

If you have a Work Session record open in the Work Session Window, you can just click on any of the Display... hyperlinks that will display that work session's child records.

Work Session Window with the Display... hyperlinks 
                        for the work session's child records circled.

The Work Session's Child Records Are Displayed In "Index" Type Windows

When you click a hyperlink such as the Display Data Link Files hyperlink, you'll see an "Index" type window displayed, and inside that window will be a list of all of the child records, of that type, that belong to the work session.

The window in the image below is displaying all the Data File Link records (links to computer files) that belong to a Work Session record.

Work Session's Data Files Index Window is displaying records, with one of the records being selected.

Index Type Windows Have A Search Panel That Lets You Easily Find Records In The Window

You can use an 'Index' window's Search Panel to search for a specific record and do things with that record, or to it.

Searching panel.

For example, the search shown below, will search for any files, created on a Tuesday in November of any year, and display them.

To do the search, just enter your search words into the Search field and then click on the Search hyperlink.

The window will display your matching records.

Searching for files.

Loading And Displaying Linked Computer Files

"Index" type windows (such as the one in the image below) that display Data File Link records make it very easy to load and display the contents of their linked computer file

All you have to do is double click anywhere on the record's entry.

A record in the Work Session's Data File Links window is double clicked, causing its linked 
                        file's data to be loaded and displayed.

The software that loads and displays that file's contents, will be the software that your computer uses to work with that kind of file

In the image below, the Windows Photo Viewer was the software that loaded and displayed the linked image file.

Windows Photo Viewer displays the linked image file.

In these types of windows, you could also load and display that file by double clicking anywhere on the Image Panel (even if an image is not being displayed)

Or, you can single click on the Open|Run|Play... hyperlink on the left hand side of the window.

A record in the Work Session's Data File Links window is double clicked, causing its linked 
                        file's data to be loaded and displayed.