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Creating Work Session Records

About Work Session Records

Work Session records represent a single block of time when work was done on a specific task, or when the work is scheduled to be done on that task.

A Work Session record.

The record's description is usually about describing the work that will be done during the session.

A Work Session record's description.

These records are also used to create, and link to, a single Work Assignment record, whose job is to keep track of the Team Member and Team records that are representing the people assigned to do the work session's work.

A Work Assignment record and the Team Members the assignment is linked to.

Creating Work Session Records - An Overview

Any window that displays the New Work Session hyperlink can be used to create new Work Session records after you click that hyperlink.

A set of New..

But, what happens after that hyperlink is clicked, depends upon which window you clicked it in.

So, this page is going to present the different windows and creation scenarios involved with creating Work Session records.

However, the most common window used to create Work Sessions is the Task Window, and it gets covered later.

Creating Work Sessions In Windows That Work With Idea Records

When you click the New Work Session hyperlink in a window that's working with Idea records, such as the Ideas Index Window, that window has no idea of which of its Idea record's tasks, needs to be linked to the new Work Session record it's supposed to create.

Ideas Index Window has an Idea record selected.

To solve this problem, the window displays a Task Selection dialog box like the one in this image, after you click the New Work Session hyperlink.

A Task Selection dialog box is being displayed so the user can 
                        pick which task should be assigned as a new Work Session record's parent task.

That dialog box shows all the Task/Subtask records the Idea record owns, and you can search for the one you want to link to the new Work Session record.

A Task Selection dialog box.

Let's look at an example, of how these things work together to get a new Work Session record linked to its parent Task record.

You start by locating the Idea record, and then selecting the Idea record by single clicking on it.

Ideas Index Window has an Idea record selected.

Then you click on the New Work Session hyperlink, and Task Selection dialog box like the one in this image pops up.

To find a record in this dialog box, you can:

  • Use a keyword search to find it.
  • Visually scan the list for it.
  • Enter the Task's ID number into the Use This Task ID field, and then press the Enter key on your keyboard, to link that task to the work session.
A Task Selection dialog box is being displayed so the user can 
                        pick which task should be assigned as a new Work Session record's parent task.

If you've used one of the first two options to find the desired Task record, then just double click anywhere on its record entry to link it to the Work Session record.

Or, you could single click on it, and then click on the Use Selected Record hyperlink.

A Task Selection dialog box.

This image shows the last option, where you enter the entire Task ID number into the Use This Task ID field and then press the Enter key on your keyboard.

Using the Enter This Task ID field.

All of these methods will close the dialog box, and link the Task record and all of its parent records to the new Work Session record.

Then it will display that new Work Session record to you in a Work Session Window.

When you see this record, it will have the same description as its parent task has.

You'll need to decide if you want to change that description.

A Work Session Window is displaying the new Work Session record.

Creating Work Sessions Using The Task Window

The Task Window is the window that's used the most to create new Work Session records.

That's because usually when you create a new Task record, you already know when you want one or more of that task's initial work sessions to start, and who you want working on them.

Now all you need is to create the Work Session records for them.

The next two examples are going to show you, two different ways to use the Task Window to create Work Session records.

A Task Window.

Method 1: Create A Single Work Session Record And Have It Displayed

The easiest method is to click the New Work Session hyperlink, on the left hand side of the window.

Click the New Work Session hyperlink to create and display a new Work Session record for this window's task.

This creates a new Work Session record and displays it in a Work Session Window so you can edit it. When you see that record, it will have the same description that its parent task has.

The new Work Session record is displayed in a Work Session Window.

Method 2: Using The Planning Field In The Task Window To Create Multiple Work Session Records At Once

The Task Window has a field called the Planning field (this image) that lets you type in the descriptions for Work Sessions or Subtasks and then create those types of records, out of the content in the Planning field.

The Planning field is used to create new Work Session records.

There's two basic ways to create records using this panel.

The first method works like this.

In this iamge, the descriptions for two Work Session records have been typed in.

The first description (Work Session 2) has been selected, and if you were to click either the Create Work Session - Open It, or Create Work Session- Don't Open It hyperlink, a new Work Session record will be created.

The Planning field is used to create new Work Session records.

That Work Session's description will be the same as the selected text in the Planning field.

This image shows the Work Session record that was created.

The record holds the ID number of its parent Task record, and that task record's parent Idea record.

The Work Session record created from the selected text in the Planning field.

The second method for creating records, lets you turn every paragraph of text in the Planning field (selected or not) into a new Task record, when you click on the Turn All Content Into Work Sessions hyperlink (image below).

Each new record's description, will be the same as the text in the paragraph, that record was created for.

The Turn All Content Into Work Sessions hyperlink.

In the Planning field, a paragraph is created when you type in some text and then press the Enter key. You can add these extra lines if you want them, as you're typing in your content.

By default new paragraphs don't have a blank line between them and the paragraph above them.

This image shows the result of clicking the Turn All Content Into Work Sessions hyperlink.

Two new Work Session records were created and linked to the task in the Task Window, but those records are not automatically displayed in Work Session Windows (their editing window).

All the descriptions in the Planning field have been turned into Work Session records that are linked to the window's task.

To see these new Work Session records, you'd have to click on the Display Work Sessions or the Display Unfinished Work Sessions hyperlinks.

The Display Work Session hyperlinks.

Clicking either of these hyperlinks will display all of the records that parent Task record owns.

This image shows the Task's Work Sessions Index Window, displaying all the Work Session records the task above owns.

The Task's Work Sessions Index window is displaying all the task's work session records.

Creating Work Sessions Using The Tasks Index Window, Or The Idea's Tasks Index Window

The Tasks Index Window, and the Idea's Tasks Index Window, have a New Work Session hyperlink that will create and display a single Work Session record, for the selected task record entry in those windows.

The demonstration below shows you how to use the Tasks Index Window to create a new Work Session record. The Idea's Tasks Index Window works the same way.

You start by locating, and then selecting the Task record you want to create a Work Session for.

To select that record, just single click anywhere on its record entry.

Then click the New Work Session hyperlink.

The Tasks Index Window with a Task record selected.

The new Work Session record will be created and displayed to you in a Work Session Window.

It will have the same description as its parent Task record, and you'll need to decide if you want to change that description.

The Work Session Window is displaying the new Work Session record.