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Using The Task's Subtasks Index Window

The Task's Subtasks Index Window is used to display a list of the Subtask records that are linked to a parent Task record.

If you know how to use the Tasks Index Window then you already know how to use the Task's Subtasks Index window.

Both windows perform the same database operations, and the only key differences between them are couple of panels displayed on the right hand side of the window.

A Task's Subtasks Index Window

Also, the Task's Subtasks Index Window only displays the Subtask records that belong to a single Task record, while the Tasks Index Window displays all the Tasks and Subtask records in the project.

The majority of the database operations this window provides have been written about in other help pages, so this help page won't be covering them.

The Differences Between Task And Subtask Records

In case you're wondering about what the difference between Task and Subtask records is, Subtask records are just Task records that store the ID number of the Task record that created them (their direct parent task).

Subtask records can have Subtask records of their own, and you can create as many layers of subtasks as you need.

Whenever a new Subtask record is created, it's linked to its parent task record first, and then all of that parent task's, parent task records get linked to the new Subtask record as well.

How To Display A Task's Subtasks Index Window

To display the Task's Subtasks Index Window you need to be in a window that's working directly with Task records, such as the Tasks Index Window, or the Task Window, and then you click on the Display Subtasks hyperlink in that window.

Display Subtasks hyperlink

If you're working in an "Index" type window, such as the Tasks Index Window (image below), you'll need to locate the parent task record first.

Then single click on it to select it, and then click on the Display Subtasks hyperlink.

The image below shows a parent Task record selected in a Tasks Index Window.

The easiest way to get this window to display only parent task records is to click on the Parent Tasks Only hyperlink in the Sort Tasks hyperlink panel.

Then keyword search or visually scan the list of parent tasks for the one you're looking for.

A Tasks Index Window being used to display a parent task's list of subtask records.

After the Display Subtasks hyperlink is clicked, a window like the one show below, will display all of the parent task's, subtasks.

A Tasks Subtasks Index Window is displaying the parent task's subtask records.

The Task's Subtasks Index Window Displays All The Subtasks Linked To A Parent Task, Even Subtasks That Were Not Created By It

Sometimes, it's important to remember that Task and Subtask records can have many layers of subtasks linked to them. When you create a task record, you can create subtask records for it. Then you can create subtask records for any of those subtasks, and all of them are still going to be linked to that top level parent task.

So, when you pick a parent task, and ask it to display it's list of subtasks, you're likely to see subtasks that are directly linked to that task, and others that are not. The ones that are not, are further down the task chain layers, but the task record you selected is one of their parent records, just not their directly linked parent.

This image shows an example of this.

The Task's Subtasks Index Window is showing the 90 subtask records linked to the parent Task record, whose ID is 35449781579206.

The first record entry card, shows that this subtask record is linked directly to the parent task.

But the next two entry cards, show that the Parent Task ID is completely different from the window's parent task.

But, those subtasks are still part of that parent task records task chain, which is why it's linked to them, and aware of them.

A parent task record can have many subtasks that it did not create.

Double Click Anywhere On A Record Entry To Display That Subtask In The Task Window, Its Editing Window

If you double click anywhere on a record entry in this window, that entry's Subtask record will be loaded into a Task Window, its editing window, so you can modify it.

Or, you can single click on the record entry and then click the Edit Selected Task hyperlink, to do the same thing.

A Tasks Subtasks Index Window is displaying a selected record.

The image shows the Task Window displaying the double clicked on record entry in the above image.

A Tasks Subtasks Index Window is displaying the parent task's subtask records.

Changing The Parent Task Record's Estimated Completion Time

On the right hand side of the Task's Subtask's Index Window is the 'Parent Task's Relative Size' panel.

You can use this panel to change the estimated amount of time that the parent task needs to complete all of its work.

You can also make this change from inside the Task Window.

This panel is here is because there are times when your working with a task's subtasks, especially when you creating new ones for it, that you realize the parent task is going to take longer to complete than you thought.

So, this ability was added to this page as a convenience.

The Parent Task's Relative Size panel.

To change the parent task's relative size (estimated completion time), just click the down arrow on the combo box, and then click on one of the time estimate values in the list.

Then parent task will start using that time estimate.

Select a new Task Completion Time.