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Remove Work Assignment

When a Work Assignment record is deleted it's removed from any Team Member and Team records that are linked to it, and its parent Work Session record.

To remove a Work Assignment record, first open the Team Work Services Window by clicking on the Team Work hyperlink at the top of any of the software's windows.

Team Work hyperlink.

On the left hand side of the Team Work Services Window, click on the Remove Work Assignment hyperlink.

Team Work Services Window.

You'll see a set of panels displayed similar to the ones shown in the image below displayed in the center of the window.

Team Work Services Window and Remove Work Assignment panels are displayed.

The panel on the left displays Work Assignment records you can remove.

The Work Assignment panel.

The panel on the right displays all the Team Member @ Team records linked to the selected work assignment only.

The Team Members @ Teams panel.

By default the Work Assignments panel displays work assignment records that are linked to unfinished work session records.

If you want to remove a finished work session record's work assignment record then click the "Finished" hyperlink at the bottom of the Work Assignments panel to see a list of "finished" work assignment records.

Click the Finished hyperlink to remove a finished Work Assignment record.

Single click on the Work Assignment record you want to remove. It will be selected and the Team Members And Teams panel will display all the Team Member records that are linked to it.

The selected work assignment record displays its linked team members.

To remove the Work Assignment record just click on the Delete Selected Work Assignment hyperlink at the bottom of the Work Assignments panel.

Click the Delete Selected Work Assignment hyperlink to delete the record.

The selected work assignment record disappears from the list and from all the Team Member and Team records that had a link to it.

Work Assignment record is remove from the list and all linked records.