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Remove Teams

Deleting a Team record, deletes that record from the Teams Database and removes any links to it from any Team Member and Work Assignment records that are linked to it.

Start by opening the Team Work Services Window, by clicking on the Team Work hyperlink found at the top of all of the software's windows.

Team Work hyperlink.

After the Team Work Services Window is displayed, click the Remove Team(s) hyperlink found on the left hand side of the window.

Click the Remove Team(s) hyperlink to make changes to a Team record.

You'll see a set of panels similar to those shown in the image below displayed in the center of the window.

The Remove Team(s) service's panels.

The left side panel shows a list of all the Team records in the project.

The Teams panel.

The right side panels show the Team Members and Work Assignment records linked to the selected team in the left side panel.

The Team Members And Work Assignments panels.

To delete the selected team, just click on the Remove Selected Team hyperlink at the bottom of the Teams panel.

Click the Remove Selected Team hyperlink at the bottom of the panel to delete the team.

The selected team is removed from the Teams list.

Deleting a team, deletes the team record from the Teams Database and removes any links to the team from any Team Member and Work Assignment records that were linked to it.

The selected team is removed from the Teams list.

Viewing Who's Working On What Before You Delete A Team

Sometimes, before you delete a team record, you'll want a closer look at which of its team members are linked to which of the team's work assignments, or vice-versa.

These instructions show how to filter these kinds of records to help you see who's assigned to what.

Viewing The Selected Team Member's Work Assignments

When you click on a team member entry in the Team Members panel, you'll see a list of which of the selected team's work assignments are assigned to them.

Clicking a team member entry displays which work assignments are linked to them.

Viewing The Selected Work Assignment's List Of Team Members

When you click on a work assignment entry in the Work Assignments panel, you'll see a list of the team members (on the selected team) that are assigned to that assignment.

Clicking a work assignment entry displays which team members are assigned to it.