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Creating New Team Members

Team Member records represent people and they are used to keep track of the teams and work assignments linked to that person.

Team Member record and its associated Team and Work Assignment records.

New team member records can be created by the New Team Member service.

The New Team Member service's panels.

Team Member records can also be created by the New Team service.

The new Team service (as its name implies) creates Team records, but as part of that process, it offers a panel for creating new Team Member records that can optionally be added to the new Team record.

The New Team service's panels.

Using The New Team Member Service To Create Team Member Records

The instructions below are going to show how to create new Team Member records using the New Team Member service.

Team Work hyperlink.

You need to start by opening the Team Work Services Window by clicking on the Team Work hyperlink found at the top of all windows in this software.

In the Team Work Services Window, click on the New Team Member hyperlink, found on the left hand side of the window.

Team Work Services Window is displayed.

The New Team Member service's panels are displayed.

New Team Member service's panels are displayed.

The panel on the left is used to create the new Team Member record and provide details about that member.

New Team Member panel.

The panel on the right holds a list of all the teams the new team member can be added to.

Team Selection panel.

In the New Team Member panel, enter the new team member's name, and optionally provide a title and a description.

Then press the Save hyperlink to save this record.

Be sure to do this because new Team Member record's don't auto-save like most other records in the software do.

Enter the team members details into the New Team Member panel and save the record.

Select the teams in the Teams panel that you want the new team member added to.

Then in the Team Member panel, click on the Add Member To Team(s) hyperlink to add the member to the selected teams.

The changes to the new team member record are automatically saved when you assign them to one or more teams.

In the Teams panel, select the teams you want the new team member assigned to.