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Editing A Team Record

To edit a Team record, start by opening the Team Work Services Window by clicking on the Team Work hyperlink found at the top of all of the software's windows.

Team Work hyperlink.

After the Team Work Services Window is displayed, click the Edit Team Details hyperlink found on the left hand side of the window.

Click the Edit Team Details hyperlink to make changes to a Team record.

You'll see a set of panels similar to those shown in the image below.

The Edit Team Details service's panels.

The left side panel shows a list of all the Team records in the project.

The Teams panel.

The right side panel displays the Team record, for the selected team entry in the left side panel.

The Edit Team panel.

To make changes to the Team record first click the record's entry in the Teams panel.

After you click that entry the Team record is displayed in the right side panel and you can only make changes to the Title and Description fields.

You can only make changes to the Title and Description field of the selected Team record.

After you've made your changes click the Save hyperlink at the bottom of the panel.

The changes will be saved.

A message that you saved the record will be displayed and the selected Team entry in the left side panel will be unselected.

Click the Save hyperlink to save the changes to the Team record.