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Edit A Team Member Record

To edit a Team Member record start by opening the Team Work Services Window by clicking on the Team Work hyperlink found at the top of all windows in this software.

Team Work hyperlink.

In the Team Work Services Window, click on the Edit Team Member's Details hyperlink, found on the left hand side of the window.

Team Work Services Window is displayed.

The Edit Team Member's Details service's panels are displayed.

Edit Team Member's Details service's panels are displayed.

The panel on the left is used to display the Team Member records you can select for editing.

Team Members Panel.

The panel on the right holds the selected team member's details and lets you edit them.

Edit Team Member Panel.

Single click on a team member's entry in the Team Members panel. You'll see their current details displayed in the panel on the right.

The selected member's details are displayed.

You can change the selected member's name, title, and description details, by entering them in the appropriate fields in the right side panel, and then clicking on the Save hyperlink at the bottom of the panel.

You can change the member's name, title, and description details.

Deleting the selected team member from the Team Member's database and all linked Team and Work Assignment records

If you click on the Remove Selected Team Member hyperlink, found at the bottom of the Team Members panel, that team member record will be deleted from the Team Members database and any Team and Work Assignment record that it's linked to.

Deleting A Team Member Record.