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Display A Work Assignment's Parent Work Session

Every Work Assignment record belongs to a single Work Session record.

Work Session records and Work Assignment records are linked to each other.

Any panel in the Team Work Services window that displays Work Assignment records makes it easy to display the selected Work Assignment's parent Work Session record (in a new window) so you can work with it.

These hyperlinks display panels that make it easy to view a Work Session record.

Here's how you display a Work Assignment's parent Work Session record.

In any panel, that display's Work Assignment records single click on the Work Assignment record who's parent Work Session record you want displayed.

Click on a Work Assignment to select it.

Then click on the Display Work Session hyperlink on the left hand side of the window.

Click on the Display Work Session hyperlink to display the Work Assignments Work Session record.

The Work Session record will be displayed in a new Work Session Window.

Click on a Work Assignment to select it.

To demonstrate how all this works, the panels displayed when you click on the Add Work To Team Members & Teams hyperlink, are shown in the image below.

The Add Work To Team Members panel is displayed.

After a Work Assignment record is selected, then click on the Display Work Session hyperlink found on the left hand side of the Team Work Services Window.

Click the Display Work Session hyperlink to display the selected record's parent Work Session record.

A new Work Session Window will open and it will be displaying the selected Work Assignment's parent Work Session record.

The Team Work Services Window does not automatically close, when the Work Session Window opens, instead it's hidden behind it.

Work Session record is displayed in a new Work Session Window.