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Display All Teams

The Display All Teams service is used to view all the Team records in the project and to see which Team Member and Work Assignment record's they're linked to.

Team Work hyperlink.

To display the Team Work Services Window, click on the Team Work hyperlink found at the top of all of the software's windows.

Team Work hyperlink.

After the Team Work Services Window is displayed, click the Display All Teams hyperlink found on the left hand side of the window.

Click the Display All Teams hyperlink.

You'll see the panels in the center of the window change to a set of panels similar to those shown in the image below.

The left side panel shows a list of all the Team records that belong to the project.

The right side panel shows the Team Member and Work Assignment records linked to the selected Team record, in the left side panel.

The Display All Teams panels.

Viewing A Specific Team's Team Members and Work Assignments

To display all the Team Member and Work Assignment records linked to a specific team, single click on the Team's entry in the Teams panel.

Selecting a Team displays the list of Team Member and Work Assignment records linked to that team.

Viewing A Specific Team Member's Assignments

When you click on a Team Member entry in the Team Members list, the Work Assignments list will display the work assignments linked to that team member, as a member of this team.

If the team member is on other teams and assigned work as a member of those teams, you won't see those work assignments displayed in the Work Assignments list.

Selecting a Team Member causes the Work Assignments panel to display only that member's work assignments, on this team.

Viewing A Specific Work Assignment's Team Members

When you click on a Work Assignment entry in the Work Assignments list, you'll see all of the team members assigned to that work assignment.

Selecting a Work Assignment causes the Team Members panel to display 
                        the team members assigned to that assignment.