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Display All Team Members

The Display All Team Members feature shows you a list of all the Team Member records, and which teams and work assignments those records are linked to.

Here's the different ways you can work with the panels in this feature.

Display All Team Members Panels.

To display the Team Work Services Window, click on the Team Work hyperlink found at the top of all of the software's windows.

Team Work hyperlink.

After the Team Work Services Window is displayed, click the Display All Team Members hyperlink found on the left hand side of the window.

Click the Display All Team Members hyperlink.

You'll see the panels in the center of the window change to a set of panels similar to those shown in this image.

The Display All Team Members panels.

Click on a member's entry to view a list of all the teams and work assignments linked to that member.

Click a member's entry to see that member's teams and work assignments.

Displaying The Selected Team's Work Assignments

If the selected Team Member is linked to two or more teams, then when you click on one of those team's entry in the Teams Panel, the work assignments that belong to that team are the only ones displayed in the Work Assignments panel.

Click a team's entry to see which work assignments belong to that team.

The work assignments you see by default are those that belong to unfinished Work Session records.

To see the team member's list of finished work assignments, click the Finished hyperlink at the bottom of the panel.

Click a team's entry to see which work assignments belong to that team.

To view all the work assignments for the selected Team Member again, just click the Unselect All hyperlink in the Work Assignments, or the Teams panels.

Click the Unselect All hyperlink to see all the work assignments again.

Displaying The Selected Work Assignment's Team

When you click on a Work Assignment entry that belongs to the selected team member, the Teams panel displays only the team that work assignment belongs to.

To display all the Teams again, click on the Unselect All hyperlink in the Work Assignments Panel or the Teams Panel.

Click a Work Assignment entry and the Teams panel displays the team that assignment belongs to.

Deleting The Selected Team Member's record

You can delete the selected Team Member record from the Team Member's database, and all the Team and Work Assignment records it was linked to, by clicking on the Remove Selected Team Member hyperlink at the bottom of the Team Members panel.

Click the Remove Selected Team Member to delete that member from the database and all linked team and work assignment records.

After you click the hyperlink, the Team Member record is no longer displayed in the Teams panel.

Deleted Team Member is no longer displayed in any panels.