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Assigning Team Members To A Work Session

A Work Session record represents a specific period of time when work will be done (or was done) on a specific task.

Work Session record being displayed.

When you want to assign people (Team Member records) to a Work Session, the software creates a Work Assignment record and links it to the Work Session record.

The Work Assignment record linked to the Work Session record above.

Then, in the Team Services Window, you can link the Work Assignment record to one or more Team Member records.

The Work Assignment record is being linked to two Team Member records.

The Work Assignment record's job is to keep track of which Team Members (and the teams they belong to), have been assign to the record's parent Work Session record.

A Work Assignment record keeps track of the Team Member records it's linked to and the Work Session record that owns it.

Every Work Assignment record is linked to only one Work Session record and vice-versa.

However, only the Work Assignment record stores the ID number of its parent Work Session record. Work Session records are not aware that they are linked to anything but Task, Idea, Note, and Data File Link records.

Only one Work Assignment record is linked to a Work Session record and vice-versa.

Demonstration: Linking A Work Session To People

When you want to assign one or more people (Team Member records) to a Work Session record, you either have to open the Work Session record, or select it in some type of "Work Sessions Index Window".

Work Session record being displayed.

Then, on the left hand side of the window you're working in, click on the Add Work To Team Members hyperlink.

Add Work To Team Members hyperlink.

After the Add Work To Team Members hyperlink is clicked a Work Assignment record is created and linked to the Work Session record.

Add Work To Team Members hyperlink.

Then the software opens the Team Work Services Window and you see a set of panels that look like those in the image.

Work Assignment record being displayed in a panel in the Team Work Services Window.

The panel on the left displays all work assignments that don't have any team members assigned to them yet.

The panel on the right displays all of the Team Member @ Team records that can be selected from and assigned to the selected work assignment record.

The panels that link Work Assignments to Team Members.

To link one or more team members to a work assignment you start by single clicking on the work assignment record to select it.

The record's background color will turn light green and a check mark will be added to its check box.

Single click the Work Assignment record to select it.

Then in the Team Members And Teams Panel you can either single click on one or more Team Member @ Team records to select those records for assignment to the work assignment record.

Or, you can select an entire team from the Team Member's combo box, by selecting the team name in the combo box and then click on the Assign Work To Entire Team hyperlink.

Single click the Team Member @ Team records you want to link to the selected Work 
                            Assignment record.

If you're not assigning to an entire team, and you've selected one or more Team Member @ Team records from the list, then click the Assign Work To Team Members hyperlink to link the selected team members to the selected work assignment record.

Click the Assign Work To Team Members hyperlink to link the selected Team Member records to the Work Assignment record.

After you click the Assign Work To Team Members hyperlink you'll see the Record Assignments Information box on the right hand side for the window confirm that the selected Team Members have been linked to the selected Work Assignment.

You can repeat this process to add more Team Members at any time.

A confirmation is displayed that the selected team members are now linked to the selected work assignment.

Creating new Team Member @ Team combinations you can assign to a Work Assignment

People you want to assign to Work Assignments are represented using a record entry that combines their name and the team they're on, when they're assigned to the work assignment.

This image shows an example of a Team Member @ Team record entry.

Team Member At Team Record Entry.

Team and Team Member records can be created by clicking on the New Team, or New Team Member hyperlinks in the Team Work Services Window.

But if you don't have either of these records, then the easiest way to create them and get them linked together is to create the Team record first, then have it create the Team Member record and link it to itself.

That's what this section is going to show you how to do.

New Team Member and New Team hyperlinks.

This image shows the set of panels displayed after the New Team hyperlink is clicked, the team's details are have been saved, and the Create A New Team Member hyperlink is clicked.

Click the New Team Member or New Team hyperlinks to create new combinations of Team Member & Team records you can use                                     to assign to Work Assignments.

After the desired combination of Team Member At Team record has been created, then click on the Add Work To Teams & Members hyperlink to display and select the new Team Member & Team record and link it to the selected Work Assignment record.

Click the Add Work To Team Members hyperlink to assign the selected Work Assignment to the new Team Member & Team combinations that have been created.

In the Add Work To Team Members panels, you might have to click the Assigned hyperlink to see your Work Assignment record, if it already has one or more Team Member @ Team records linked to it. Otherwise, it will be displaying in the Unassigned Work Panel.

Select the Work Assignment and the Team Members and link them together.