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Add Or Remove Team Members From Team

To add or remove team members from an existing team you'll need to be in the Team Work Services Window first.

To open it just click on the Team Work hyperlink at the top of any of the software's windows.

Team Work hyperlink.

After the Team Work Services Window is displayed, click the Add Or Remove Team Member(s) hyperlink found on the left hand side of the window.

Click the Add Or Remove Team Member(s) hyperlink to make changes to who's on a team.

You'll see the center of the window change to a new set of panels similar to those shown in the image.

The Add Or Remove Team Member(s) service's panels.

The left side panel shows a list of all the Team records in the project.

The Teams Panel.

The right side panel shows all the project's Team Members.

You can select members from this list to either be added or removed from the selected team.

The Team Members Panel.

To add or remove a team member from a team start by clicking on the team's entry in the Teams panel.

Select the Team first.

The Team Members panel will highlight, in light green, all the team members that belong to the selected team.

The selected teams current team members are highlighted in light green in the Team Members panel.

Remove Team Members From A Team

To remove a team member from a team click on the team entry in the Teams list.

Select the Team first.

Then click on the member's entry in the Team Members list and then click the Remove From Team hyperlink at the bottom of the panel.

Click the Remove From Team hyperlink to remove selected team members from a team.

The team member is removed from the team and from any work assignments they were working on as a member of that team.

Their name is still seen in the Team Members list but it is no longer highlighted in light green.

The team member is removed from the team but their name remains in the Team Members list.

Add Team Members To A Team

To add members to a team, click on the team in the Teams Panel.

Click the Add To Team hyperlink to add the selected team members to the selected team.

Then click on the "un-highlighted" members in the Team Members panel and then click on the Add To Team hyperlink at the bottom of the panel.

Click on the 'un-highlighted' members in the Team Members panel.

The team members will be added to the team, and their entries will be highlighted in light green to indicate that they are now members of the selected team.

The new team members entries are highlighted in light green to indicate they are members of the selected team.