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Restoring A Backed Up Project

The Project Restore Window is used to restore a backed up project folder's contents to a destination folder.

A restoration operation can be told to restore the project folder to its original location or a different location.

Project Restore Window

About Project Backup Records

Every time a Project Backup is run it creates an entry in the Project Restore database for the project that its backed up. When the Project Restore window is opened it displays each backed up project's entry in a record card in the center of the window.

Project Backup Record

A Typical Restore Operation

Normally, you'd restore a Project folder by locating its record entry in the list, selecting that record entry, and then selecting one of the project folder location options - original location, or different location:

Restore options

Then you'd click the Restore The Selected Project hyperlink and when the restoration is done, you'll see a message displayed in the Status Messages panel.

Restore Project hyperlink

About Restoring Project Folders To Different Locations And Restoring Unlisted Project Folders

There are options for restoring a Project Folder to a different device and/or location. And, for restoring a Project Folder that's not listed in the Project Restore Window.

You'd use the Find & Restore An Unlisted Project feature if someone used the Operating System's File Management System to back up the Project Folder to some backup location. If this were done, then the Restore System would have no way of knowing the backup had been done, or where the Project Folder was backed up to.

There's Lots Of Different Ways To Sort & Filter The Displayed Project Backup Records

You'll notice that this window has a lot of hyperlinks for sorting and filtering the list of Project Backup Records being displayed.

The names of these hyperlinks a very descriptive of what they'll do for you after you click them.

The Fastest Way To Find A Project Backup Record

The fastest way to find a particular Project Backup Record would be to just use the Search Panel at the bottom of the records list.

Use the Search Panel to search for Project Backup Records

Enter keywords you think are found in the Project Backup Record and then click the Search hyperlink.

The matching records will be displayed and often a quick visual scan of the new list will reveal the record you need to click on.

Matching records

In the Projects Index Window click on the Restore A Backed Up Project hyperlink.

Projects Index Window

The Project Restore Window will open and in the center of the window is a list of record entries for each previously backed up Project Folder.

Project Restore Window

Locate the Project Backup record in the list that represents the backed up Project Folder that you want to restore, and then single click on that record to select it.

The record will turn light green when it's selected.

To locate the record use either a keyword search, or a visual search to find it.

Select The Project Backup Record to restore.

Next, you need to decide if you want the backed up Project Folder restored to its original location, or a different location.

When you've decided, click either the Original Location, or Different Location radio buttons in the "Set The Restore Options" panel.

If you click the Different Location radio button, then later when you click the Restore The Selected Project hyperlink, a dialog box will be displayed, so you can either create, or navigate to the folder, that will contain the restored Project Folder.

Choose to restore to the Original Location or a Different Location.

Now you need to decide if the backed up project folder's files are going to overwrite any existing files that are currently found in the destination Project Folder.

Selecting this option, deletes everything at the destination folder, and replaces it with the backup Project Folder's files instead.

Usually, you want the restored files to do this, so you'd click on the Delete Existing Files At The Destination Project Folder check box in the Set The Restore Options panel.

Choose if you want existing files at the restore location to be overwritten.

Now, click the Restore The Selected Project hyperlink in the Restore The Project panel.

Click the Restore The Selected Project hyperlink to start the restore operation.

The backed up Project Folder's contents are restored to the specified Project Folder location and after the restoration is finished the Status Messages Panel shows you a message that the job is done.

A message is displayed when the restore finishes.

Now, if you want, you can click on the Projects Index hyperlink at the top of the window to open the Projects Index window again.

At the bottom of the window's list of project records, you'll see an entry for the restored Project Folder.

Double clicking anywhere on that record will start and open that database so you can work with it.

At the bottom of the Projects Index Window is the record entry for the restored Project Folder.

Step By Step Instructions - Not Restoring To The Original Project Folder Location

Sometimes you want to restore a backed up Project Folder to a location other than its original location.

To do this type of restore, use the same instructions found in the Normal Restore section above, but in Step 4, click on the Different Location radio button.

Click the Different Location radio button.

Then in step 6 after you click the Restore The Selected Project hyperlink (see image above), you'll see this dialog box displayed.

Use it to either create the parent folder that the Project Folder will be restored to, or select that folder.

Click the Different Location radio button.

Use the Look In section of the dialog box to either locate a device and parent folder for the Project Folder to go into, or create a parent folder.

When that's done, click the Open button and the restoration will start.

When the restoration is finished, you'll see a message displayed in the Status Messages panel.

Message is displayed when the restoration is done.

If you click on the Projects Index hyperlink at the top of the window, the Projects Index Window will open and the restored project's record entry will be at the bottom of the list of record entries in that window.

If you scroll to it, you'll see that the Project Folder is now located inside the new parent folder you told it to go into.

Restored Project Folder's Project Record is at 
                the bottom of the Projects Index Window.

Step By Step Instructions - Find & Restore An Unlisted Project

If the Project Backup record entry you're looking for is not in the Project Restore Window's list of record entries, but you know where the Project Folder was backed up to, then you can use the Find & Restore An Unlisted Project feature to restore that backed up Project Folder.

First, you need to decide if you want the backed up Project Folder restored to its original location, or a different location.

When you've decided, click either the Original Location, or Different Location radio buttons in the "Set The Restore Options" panel.

You also need to decide if you want the existing files at that destination folder to be deleted and replaced by the backed up folder's project files.

If you do, click the Delete Existing Files At The Destination Folder hyperlink.

If you click the Different Location radio button, then later when you click the Restore The Selected Project hyperlink, a dialog box will be displayed, so you can either create, or navigate to the folder, that will contain the restored Project Folder.

Now you're ready to click the Find & Restore An Unlisted Project hyperlink.

After you click that hyperlink, you'll see a dialog box like this one displayed.

Use the Look In section of the dialog box to navigate to the backed up Project folder and click on it once to select it.

Then click on the dialog's Open button to start the restoration.

When the restoration is finished you'll see a message displayed in the Status Messages panel.

If you click on the Projects Index hyperlink (image above) at the top of the window the Projects Index Window will open.

You'll see your restored project's record entry at the bottom of the list of record entries in that window.

Scroll to that entry and double click it to open and start that project's database.

Viewing The Files And Folders Inside Of A Backed Up Project

Sometimes you want to look at the folders and files inside of a backed up Project Folder and the Project Restore Window makes this very easy to do.

First, click on the record entry for the backed up Project Folder whose files you want to see.

Click on the Project Folder's record entry card.

Now click on the View Backup Folder's Contents hyperlink in the Restore The Project panel.

Click on the View Backup Folder's Contents hyperlink.

A dialog box like this one is displayed and it shows you the files inside the backed up Project Folder.

Be careful, because this dialog box makes it very easy to delete these files accidentally.

Dialog box showing the files in the backed up Project Folder.