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How To Open A Project Database, Whose Project Record Is Not Listed In The Projects Index Window

This image shows the Project record for a project that still exists, but whose record was deleted from the Projects Index Window.

These instructions will show you how to open a Project whose Project Record is no longer being displayed in the Projects Index Window.

A Project Record

Open the Projects Index Window, by either starting the software, or clicking on the Projects Index hyperlink at the top of one of the software's windows.

The Projects Index hyperlink

Click on the Open An Unlisted Project hyperlink.

Click on the Open A Project That's Not On The List hyperlink.

A File Navigation dialog box is displayed. Use the Look In section of the dialog box to navigate to the location of the Project Folder whose project you want to open.

A File Navigation dialog box is displayed.

When you arrive at that location, select the project's Project Folder in the dialog box.

All Project Folders have very long numbers (the Project ID Number) as their names.

Then click the Open button at the bottom of the dialog box to open the project.

The dialog box will close after you click the Open button.

Click the Open button to load the selected project.

The project's database is started and you'll see the Project Summary Window displayed. You're ready to start working with your database again.

The project is opened and the Project Summary Window is displayed.

When you go back into the Projects Index Window, you'll see that the loaded project has a Project record being displayed in the windows list of Project databases again. The record will be at the bottom of the list.

The Projects Index Window has a copy of the Project Record displaying in its lists again.