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Hide Or Unhide Backup Location Records

A Backup Location record (center of image) is a listing of the storage device and the file path to the folder that will hold backed up versions of a project folder.

Once a backup location record is created in the database it can't be deleted, but it can be hidden/unhidden.

The instructions below will show you how to hide and unhide these entries.

The Backup Projects Window

Hiding Backup Location Records

Backup Location records are never deleted from their database after they've been created, but they can stop the Project Backup Window from displaying them by hiding them.

Open the Projects Index Window, by either starting the software, or clicking on the Projects Index hyperlink at the top of one of the software's windows.

The Projects Index hyperlink
Then click on the Backup The Selected Project's Files hyperlink to open the Project Backup Window.
Projects Index Window

In the Project Backup Window, select the Backup records that you want to hide from the window.

Select the Backup Location Records you want to hide from the window.

Now click on the Hide Selected Locations hyperlink, found on the left hand side of the window.

Click the Hide Selected Locations hyperlink.

The Backup Location Record's entry has been deleted from the list, but the record has not been deleted from the database and can be restored in the future if you want it to be.


Unhiding Backup Location Records

Backup Location records can never be deleted from the internal database that stores them, but they can be hidden from the Project Backup window's Backup Locations list. Follow these steps to unhide, a hidden location entry.

Open the Projects Index Window, by either starting the software, or clicking on the Projects Index hyperlink at the top of one of the software's windows.

The Projects Index hyperlink
Then click on the Backup The Selected Project's Files hyperlink to open the Project Backup Window.
Projects Index Window

To see a list of all the "hidden" Backup Location Records in the database, click the Unhide Hidden Locations hyperlink, on the left hand side of the window.

Click the Unhide Hidden Locations hyperlink.

The window displays a list of all of the "hidden" Backup Location Records.

Each record is arranged in alphabetical order, starting with the Drive Letter of the storage device the backup folder is located on.

In this image, the "C Drive" locations are listed first, followed by the "D Drive" locations next.

A list of the hidden Backup Location Records is displayed.

This window does not have a Search Panel to search for a particular set of records.

So, you'll have to use the Scroll Bar to scroll through the list to find the record(s) you want to "unhide".

I've scrolled down to the entry for the M:\Tutorial Project Backups location that I want to unhide and I clicked on that entry to select it.

Find the records you want to unhide and click on their entries to select them.

Click the Restore These Locations hyperlink to "unhide" the hidden Backup Location records, so the window will display them again.

Click the Restore These Locations hyperlink to 'unhide' the hidden Backup Location records.

The window changes the list of Backup Location records it's displaying to those that are not marked as 'hidden', and now the unhidden location record is back in the list, and can be used again in backup operations.

Also, the Restore These Locations hyperlink, goes back into hiding again.