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Finding And Starting Project Databases

When you create a new Project Management Database its Project Record is displayed in the Projects Index Window at the end of the windows current list.

To start a project's database, just double click anywhere inside of the project's Project Record.

New Project Records are always found at the end of the Projects Index List.

After you double click, you'll see the Project Summary Window displayed next.

When you see this window, your database is running and ready for use.

The first window you see when a project database is opened is the Project Summary Window.

Searching The Projects List

At the bottom of the Project records list is the Search Panel, you can use it to perform keyword searches that locate matching records.

Enter any keywords that you think are found anywhere in the Project Record into the Search field and then click the Search hyperlink.

Using a keyword search to find a project.

Now the window will only be displaying matching Project Records.

If you need to, you can run another search on the current list of records, by clearing your existing keywords, entering a new set, and the clicking the Search hyperlink again.

To display all Project Records again click the Reset hyperlink.

The window is now displaying only matching records.