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Using The Notes Index Window

The Notes Index Window displays all of the Note records in a project.

The window's primary job is to help you locate and select record(s) so you can perform database tasks on them.

The only way to open this window is to click on the Notes Index hyperlink found at the top of almost every window in the software.

The Notes Index Window

Record Entry Cards Display Important Information About Each Note Record

Information about a Note record is displayed in a Record Entry Card in the center of the window.

You'll find that there's more than enough information in these cards to identify the Note record you're searching for, as well as provide searchable content to match keyword searches being done on the window's records list.

A Note record entry card.

Double Click On A Record Entry Card To Display Its Note Record In Its Editing Window

If you double click anywhere on a Record Entry Card a new Notes Window will be displayed and it'll contain the Note record the Record Entry Card represents.

The image below shows a Notes Window displaying the Note record for the Record Entry Card above.

A Notes Window is displaying the Note record's contents.

Searching For Note Records And/Or Content

It's easy to search for Note records and/or content inside of a note using just a keyword search, where the search words can be anything about what you're looking for.

Search panel is doing a keyword search for 'the bear'.

Type your search words into the window's Search Panel.

Your search words can be anything you think will be found anywhere inside the note record and/or the note's contents.

Even a single character search will find what you're looking for, as long as that character is anywhere inside that record.

A single, matching record is displayed.

After you click the Search hyperlink. the search will scan all the displayed records to see which ones contain your search words anywhere inside the record.

When the search is finished, the window displays the matching records.

A single, matching record is displayed.

Now if you double click anywhere on a record entry in that window, a Notes Window opens up, and it'll be displaying the note that entry is linked to.

You'll also be at the first section in the note where your keywords were found.

If you look at the Search panel in this image, you'll see that your search words were inserted into this panel as well.

When you're inside a Notes Window, you use its Search panel to do keywords exactly the same way as just described.

To display a note record in the Notes Window, just  double click anywhere on the record.