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Spell Checking Notes And Database Records

The Spell Checker can be started by clicking on the Spell Check hyperlink in any window that displays it.

You'll find it near the top of the long list of hyperlinks on the left side of the window.

Or you can hold down the CTRL + SHIFT + S keys to activate the Spell Checker.

Starting A Spell Check

After you click the Spell Check hyperlink you'll see a Spell Check dialog displayed on the screen, similar to the one shown below.

It will be displaying the first misspelled word it finds, where it found it, the words to the right of it, and a list of suggested words that can be used to correct it.

Spell Check Dialog Box

Unlike most spell checkers, which underline a misspelled word in the document and then pop up a dialog filled with suggestions next to that word, in this system all spell checking is done in the Spell Check dialog box. When corrections are made, the dialog box makes the changes in the original document (the record field being spell checked) automatically.

While the dialog box is displaying, it does not stop you from leaving it and going back into the record and making changes. Or, going into any other part of the software.

The lower section of the dialog box is where you'll find a list of suggested words to replace the misspelled word with, as well as two panels that are used to help you locate words in the dictionary, and a set of hyperlinks used to do something with or to the misspelled word.

At the bottom of the dialog box is the Status bar, where messages are displayed, and you can see the number of suggested words being displayed.

Suggestions and Search For Panels

The Spell Check system starts spell checking at the start of the document (the record field it's currently spell checking), or the start of a block of selected text.

It searches for the first misspelled word, and presents it to you, along with the name of the field it's found in, and displays all the words to the right of it, in the paragraph it's found in.

Misspelled Word panel.

After the misspelled word is corrected, or ignored, the system searches for the next misspelled word in the document, or in the range of selected text in the document, and displays it to you, so you can change or ignore it.

Misspelled Word panel.

The spelling checks are done on all of the fields in the record being spell checked, and when a misspelled word is found, the dialog box tells you the name of the field it's found in, and shows you the contents around the misspelled word.

When the Spell Checker can't find any more misspelled words in the current document, it process the next document.

If there is no next document, then spell checking is over and the dialog box tells you that there's no more misspelled words.


The Typical Way To Correct Misspelled Words

The typical way to correct a misspelled word is to look for the correct word in the Suggestions list and then double click on it.

Or, you can single click on that word and then click the Change hyperlink.

Or, you can click the Change All, Ignore Once, Ignore All, Add To Dictionary, or Remove From Dictionary, options if that's what you want to do.

As soon as you do either of these things, the misspelled word is replaced with the selected correct word and if another misspelled word is present, it's displayed in the top section of the dialog box.

Click a suggested word and then click the change hyperlink to 
                        change the misspelled word to the selected word.

You continue this process until there are no more misspelled words in the document.

After the previous misspelled word is corrected, ignored, or added to the dictionary, the next misspelled word is presented.

The top part of the dialog box shows the misspelled word, 
                        the field it's in, and the paragraph it's in.

After all the misspelled words have been corrected the dialog box tells you that there are no more misspelled words in the record field it's been spell checking.

When you're done working with it you can close the Spell Checker dialog box by clicking the Close hyperlink, or the red X icon in the top right corner of the dialog box.

Click the close hyperlink to close the dialog box.

When it's closed you'll be back in the record that was being spell checked.

Or, the Notes Window if you were spell checking a note.

Notes Window after spell checking is done.

Using The Dictionary Search Panel

The Dictionary Search Panel lets you search for words, or combinations of characters (letters, punctuation, and digits) that you think are part of a word you're looking for. You can search for words related to the misspelled word you're currently correcting, or any other word you want.

This panel is where you'll want to go for help if the word you're looking for is not displayed in the Suggestions panel.

Which will happen from time to time, especially with words whose spelling is badly mangled.

The Dictionary Search Panel helps you find words in the dictionary.

The Search Locations panel's check boxes, let you decide what part of a word the characters in the Search For field have to match.

The default setting is to search for them at the start of the word, and in the dictionary section that start's' with the same first letter as the typed in word.

This image shows a search that wants to know which words in the entire dictionary contain the letters 'zag' anywhere inside them.

The Search Location panel.

As you click on the check box's in this panel, you'll see the list of words in the Suggestions panel change.

The Suggestions panel shows the words the filter choices found in the dictionary.
At the bottom of the dialog box, you'll be told how many words the filter found.

When you find the word you're looking for, and if you want it to replace a misspelled word, then all you need to do is click inside the Search For field (if you're not already there) and press the Enter key on your keyboard.

This is the only way to make the change, using this field, because the Change, Change All, ... hyperlinks, only read the selected word in the Suggestions box, and use it to perform their function.

Press the Enter key on your keyboard to have the word in the Search For field, replace the currently misspelled word.

Database Records And Note Contents Are Not Automatically Spell Checked

This software uses a Non-intrusive Spell Checking System to report spelling mistakes to you, and then help you correct them. That's a fancy way of saying that the software won't divert your attention away from what you're typing, just because you made spelling mistake, that can easily be corrected at a time when you want to proof read your document.

At the time you're recording them, getting your thoughts out of your head, and into a note, or a record's fields, is far more important, than knowing that you've just made a typo, which is why this software uses a Non-intrusive Spell Checking System.

The proper time to deal with spelling mistakes is when you're ready to, and not before.

So, when you're ready to spell check, just click the Spell Check hyperlink in the window you're in to check your spelling.

Click The Spell Check Hyperlink to start spell checking.