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Opening And Editing A Note

Only the Notes Window can edit the contents of a Note record.

Notes Window displaying a note in it.

But the only way to open a Notes Window is from a different window, such as the Notes Index Window that's working with a single note, or a list of them.

Notes Index Window.

In this 'other' window, you typically use a keyword search to find the record you want to open/edit in a Notes Window.

Search panel with a search for 'George And Gracie'.

When you find that record you normally just double click on it and it opens up in a new Notes Window.

Or, you could single click on the record, and then click the Edit Selected Note, or Edit Note hyperlink to have the note opened in a new Notes Window.

Notes Index Window is searching for a note.

Examples of how all of this works using the different types of windows capable of opening a note in a Notes Window, are shown below.

The Notes Index Window Is The Easiest Way To Find And Load Any Note Record

The best window for locating, selecting, and displaying a particular note is the Notes Index Window because it displays all the Note records in a project.

You open it by clicking on the Notes Index hyperlink that's found near the top of every window in the software.

Notes Index Window is searching for a note.

It's easy to use keyword searches to find the Note record you want to load in a list of Note records.

Search panel with a search for 'George And Gracie'.

Then when you've found the record you want, just double click on it to load it into a Notes Window so you can edit it.

Or, you can single click on the Note record, and then click the Edit Selected Note hyperlink to do the same thing.

The selected Note record is double clicked on to load it.

For example, in the image below, a search was done using the keywords 'George and Gracie' to find the note that's being displayed in the Notes Window at the top of the page.

The first of the two notes that were found, is the one we want displayed.

So, all we need to do is double click anywhere on it to load it into a Notes Window (next image).

Notes Index Window is searching for a note.

Or, we could single click it to select it, and then click the Edit Selected Note hyperlink.

Either way, the Notes Window opens and the note is displayed in it.

Notes Window displaying a note in it.

Using Windows That Work With A Note's Parent Records To Locate And Open A Note Record

Note records are created by Idea, Task, Subtask, and Work Session records and any windows that work with these records have a Display Notes hyperlink in them.

This image shows an Idea record that's linked to 81 Note records.

The record is being displayed in an Ideas Window, it's editing window, and on the left side of this window is the Display Notes hyperlink.

The Idea record that owns the above Note record.

When you click the Display Notes hyperlink in this window, you'll see an "Index" type window, similar to the one shown in this image.

You can use keyword searches in this window to find a particular note record, and then you can click on the window's Edit Note hyperlink to have that note displayed in a Notes Window.

The image shows the window, after its searched for the keywords 'George And Gracie' and found the first matching record that contained them.

An Idea's Notes Index Window is used to find a note that's to be opened in the 
                        Notes Window.

You can't edit and save the changes to the note using this window, only the Notes Window can edit and save changes to a Note.

Click the Edit Note hyperlink to load the note into a Notes Window

So to open this note in a Notes Window, you'd click on the Edit Note hyperlink, near the top left part of the window.

Then you'd see a new Notes Window open and display the note.

Now you can edit it.

Notes Window displaying a note in it.

Using Windows That Work With Data File Link Records To Open Their Parent Note Record

Note records can only have Data File Link records (which represent links to computer files) as their "child records".

A Data File Link record owned by a Note record.

If you're working in a window that's working with Data File Link records, then that window will have a Display Note hyperlink in it.

Display Note Hyperlink in a window that works with Data File Link records.

If you click that hyperlink, and the Data File Link record you're working with is linked to a Note record, then that Note record will be opened and displayed in a Notes Window.

For example, in the image below, a Note's Data File Links window is open and the Data File Link record that represents the picture of the two deer in the images of the Notes Windows show above is selected.

If you click on the Display Note hyperlink in that window, the note will be opened and displayed in a Notes Window.

An Note's Data File Links Window is being used to open a Note record in a Notes Window.

Editing The Note's Content

The Notes Window behaves like a Word Processing window, but it has a lot less features than any commercial Word Processor.

You can edit content in all the typical ways.

Make sure you press the Save hyperlink often when you're working with notes, because the Notes Window does not automatically save content for you, like most of the other windows in the software do.

A photo was inserted into the note.

Changing The Content's Style Is Easy

You can select content and apply new style settings to it by clicking on the required set of "style components" found on the right hand side of the window.

Select some text in a note to change it.

This image shows how the selected text in the image above was modified by changing the style components circled in red.

Use the Style Components on the right hand side of the page to change the selected 
                        content's style.

Inserting Images From Multiple Sources Is Easy

You can also use the image insertion hyperlinks on the left hand side of the window to add new images into the note at the current cursor location.

Use the Image Insertion hyperlinks to insert images into the note.

You can also open your computer's File Manager and drag images out of there and drop them onto the Note panel, and they'll be inserted into the note.

A photo was inserted into the note by dragging and dropping its image icon from 
                        the computer's File Manager.

To find out more about how to style a note's contents, and insert images, click the Notes hyperlink at the top of this web page, to see a list of pages that covers the subject in detail.