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Using The Knowledge Base

The Knowledge Base gets its data from all of the data stored inside of a project's records, the contents of notes, and indirectly from linked computer files. The Knowledge Base can't read/search the contents of computer files, but it's very easy to use it to find and open a file, so you can work with its contents.

This image lists the core types of records that the knowledge base pulls its data from and manages for you.

Not shown here are Work Assignment, Team Member, and Team records that also hold searchable information.

Except for the Project record all of the records shown in this image are part of the same record group and belong to the displayed Idea record.

A model of Knowledge Base Sources.

A Brief Look At The Easiest Way To Search The Knowledge Base

It typically takes less than 30 seconds to ask any of these records to help you find and display any other record, note, or linked computer file in its record group. Further down in this page, there's detailed explanations of how to search the knowledge base, but I'm also summarizing it here.

The most common way of locating a record, note, or linked computer file is by running a keyword search in an 'index' type window, such as the one in this image.

All you ever need for keywords is whatever vague memories you have about what you're looking for, and you can even find something with just a single character keyword search.

Regular keyword search done on 2,283 records.

Every 'index' type window has a Search panel like the on shown in this image.

You enter your keywords in it, click the Search hyperlink and then the window displays the results.

This search has been looking for a linked image file that had a bear, mink, and opossum in it, and now we've found it, with just the keywords 'the bear'.

1 matching record is found out of the 2,283 records searched.

To load that file (using the software that works with that type of file) all we have to do is double click anywhere on the record entry and the file gets opened and displayed in a new window (the window that file's software uses).

This image shows the image file's contents using Windows Photo Viewer.

If we had been searching for database records, or notes, double clicking their record entries will have displayed them too.

A picture of a bear.

Common Types Of Windows Used By The Knowledge Base

There's basically 4 types of windows that are used to create, display, edit, and locate the database records, notes, and linked computer files that knowledge base manages.

Record Editing Windows

Record editing windows work with a single record and in most cases the only thing you edit is their description field.

These windows have hyperlinks that let you create new types of 'child' records that will be linked to them. As well as hyperlinks to jump from that record to any other record linked to it, in it's record group.

A window that works with a single database record.

'Index' Windows

'Index Windows' such as the Notes Index Window shown in this image are used to display lists of records. This particular window displays all the note records in a project.

A Notes Index Window.

These windows always have a search panel at the bottom of the list of records and you'll use that panel to search for records in the window.

You can use a normal keyword search, or an advanced search.

A Notes Index Window.

If you double click on any record displayed in an 'index' type window, then a new window is going to open and display that record for you.

A Data File Link Record.

If the type of record you're double clicking on is a Data File Link record (like the one shown in the image above), then the software that works with it's linked computer file is going to open and display that file's contents for you.

The double clicked on Data File Link record above is having it's linked image file displayed by the Windows Photo Viewer software, because that's the software that displays images for me on my computer.

A picture of George, Gracie, and me.

There's Two Ways To Open Index Windows

There's two ways you open an 'index' type window. The first is to click one the 'Master Index Window' hyperlinks, such as Notes Index Window at the top of the screen.

Clicking these hyperlinks open index windows that display all of that type of record in the project.

An image of the Master Index Window hyperlinks

The other way is to click on a Display... hyperlink whose name ends in an 's', such as the Display Data File Links hyperlink.

A set of Display... hyperlinks.

Clicking one of these hyperlinks opens an 'index' window that only shows the records that belong to a parent record you're currently working with.

A Note's Data Files Index Window

Notes Window

The Notes Window is used to create and display the content of a note.

This is the one type of window that most people imagine a Knowledge Base window as looking like.

The Notes Window.

Team Work Services Window

The Team Work Services window is used to manage Work Assignment, Team Member, and Team records.

This window doesn't look or work anything like the other windows you've seen so far.

It changes its center panels to different ones depending upon what type of task you want it to do for you.

The Team Work Services window

Getting new records and their data into the Knowledge Base

When you click any New... hyperlink (or other hyperlinks that can create new records) in any window, you create new database records, whose fields will add information to the Knowledge Base.

After a record is created it will be displayed in an editing window and normally the next thing you'll do is give the record a proper description. Whatever data is put inside the record, becomes part of the Knowledge Base.

Hyperlinks that create new records.

Using An Advanced Search To Find Records

Most of the time, just one or two consecutive Regular Keyword Searches will find what you're looking for. These types of searches, search every field in a record to see which ones contain the search words. But sometimes, you'll just want to search a specific set of fields, in very specific ways, and that's when you need an advanced search. This is when you want to click the Advanced Search hyperlink and configure an Advanced Search Settings dialog box to get the job done.

For example, if I wanted to know which Note records in the project are linked to more than 10 computer files, I can't do that easily with a Regular keyword search.

I need to use an Advanced Search, that just looks at the total number of computer files linked to each note record.

Here's how I'd do this type of search.

First I'd click on the Reset hyperlink in the Search panel to make sure the window was displaying all of the record's it would display when it first loads up. In a Notes Index Window, that's all the Note records in the project.

The Notes Index Window displaying an Advanced Search Settings 
                        dialog box. The box has a search configured.

Then I'd click on the Advanced Search hyperlink to have an Advanced Search Settings dialog box displayed.

Then I'd click on the fields and settings displayed in the image below, and finally, click on the dialog box's Search hyperlink.

The search settings for the Advanced Search.

After I clicked the Search hyperlink the window would show me all the matching Note records.

In this search, there were 30 Note records that are linked to more than 10 computer files.

Click the Search hyperlink to see the matching records.

Now, if I wanted to, I could use a Regular keyword search on this list to see which of these notes, was created on March 11, of any year, and is linked to more than 10 computer files.

The Search field contains the search phrase 'march 11,'

All I have to do is type the keywords 'march 11,' into the Search field, and click the Search hyperlink.

There are no matching records.

There are no matching notes.

As you can see, it's very easy to search the Knowledge Base for records, or linked computer files.