Using The Idea's Work Sessions Index Window
The Idea's Work Sessions Index Window is used to manage a list of all the Work Session records that
belong to a specific Idea record.
The window's primary function is to make it fast and easy to locate a specific Work Session record,
select it, and then perform database operations on it.
Displaying The Window
Before you can display the Idea's Work Sessions Index Window you need to be in a window that's
working with an Idea record, such as the Ideas Window, or the Ideas Index Window. The reason for this, is
because it's that Idea record's Work Session records that you want displayed by the Idea's Work Sessions
Index Window.
On the left hand side of these windows is the Display Work Sessions hyperlink.
When you click that hyperlink, then you'll see a new Idea's Work Sessions Index Window displayed and
it'll be displaying all of that Idea record's Work Session records.
Searching The Window's Records:
At the bottom of the window's list of records is a Search panel that's used to locate sets of Work
All you need to do to find matching records is enter search words into the panel and then click the
After the Search hyperlink is clicked the window will display all the records that contained the
search words somewhere in the records fields.
Each record will highlight in light purple, the location where the search words were found.
Performing Database Operations On A Record
To do something with, or to, a record in the list, you need to single click on the record to select
You'll see the record's background color turn light green, this let's you know it's selected.
Then on the left hand side of the window you'll find lots of hyperlinks that will do something to the
selected record, or with. it.
This window has a large list of hyperlinked database operations that the window can't display all at
once. However, the list is scrollable, so getting to any of those hyperlinks is easy.
If you just want to open the selected record so you can change the data in its fields, then
just double click anywhere on the selected record.
A new Work Session Window will open and it'll be
displaying the selected record in it.
As an example of how easy it is to perform database tasks by just clicking on hyperlinks, let's
create a Note record for this Work Session record. This is something you'd do often.
To create a new note for the selected Work Session, click the New Note hyperlink.
After the hyperlink is clicked, a new Note record is created and linked to the Work Session record
and all of its parent records.
Then a new Notes Window is displayed and it's inside this window that you'll
create your note's contents.
In the center of the Notes Window is where you can enter the text
and/or images that will make up the note's contents. On the left hand side of the window are plenty
of hyperlinks that help you insert and/or manage the note's contents. On the right hand side of the
window are hyperlinks and style components that let you apply style settings to selected content in
the note.