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Using The Ideas Window

The Ideas Window is primarily used to edit Idea records, create child records for them, and display lists of their existing child records.

Ideas Window

Displaying The Window

Any window that displays the New Idea or Display Idea hyperlink will display a new Idea Window when that hyperlink is clicked.

New Idea and Display Idea hyperlinks

If you click on the New Idea hyperlink, then a new Idea record will be created and displayed in the window. If the Display Idea hyperlink is clicked, then the Idea Window is opened and it's displaying the Idea record that owns the "child record" you were working with in the other window.

Using The Window To Create Task Records

The easiest way to create a new Task record for the Idea record this window is working with is to just click on the New Task hyperlink on the left hand side of the window.

When you do that, a new Task record will be created, linked to this Idea record, and then displayed in a new Task Window so you can edit it.

The two images below show an example of this.

Click the New Task hyperlink to create and display a new Task record.

The Tasks Window displays your new Task record.

You might want to change the task's description because it'll be the same as the parent Idea record's description.

Sometimes this is just what you want, but if not, it's easy to change the Task's description, just erase the old one and type in a new one.

The new Task record is displayed in a Tasks Window.

Creating Multiple Tasks Using The Planning Field

The Planning Field, found just below the Description field is used to write whatever you want about the idea the window represents.

But this field can also be used to select portions of the content in the field and turn that into a Task record.

Or, to take each paragraph of content in the field and turn all of them into Task records.

The Planning Field.

You'll find that the way this panel creates Task records is really nice to use, especially after you've just created a new Idea record, and you want to create the initial set of tasks that need to be done on it. Just type their descriptions into the panel and then click the Turn All Content Into Task Records hyperlink, and presto, the Task records are created all at once.

Using The Planning Field To Create A Task Record From A Selected Set Of The Field's Content

This image shows that some of the text in the Planning field was selected and then the Turn Selected Content Into A Task Record hyperlink was clicked on.

After that hyperlink was clicked, a new Task record was created, linked to the Idea record, and the selected text was used as the new Task record's description. Then a message was displayed telling you that a new task record had been created.

The window's Total Tasks field's value also went up by 1.

The selected text is turned into a new Task record.

Using The Planning Field To Create Task Records For Each Of The Field's Paragraphs.

This image shows all the content in the Planning field being used to create new Task records.

Each paragraph of content is turned into a new Task record and that paragraph's text becomes the new Task record's description, when the Turn All Content Into Task Records hyperlink is clicked.

After all the records have been created the window displays a message telling you how many were created and the window's Total Tasks field's value goes up by that amount.

All the content in the Planning Field is used to create new Task records.

If you want to see all the Task records that were created this way, just click the Display Tasks hyperlink on the left side of the window.

Click the Display Tasks hyperlink to see all the Task records the Idea record is linked to.

An Idea's Tasks Index Window will be opened and it will be displaying all the Task records that Idea record is linked to.

To see the records you just created listed at the top of the window, click on the Latest Creation Date hyperlink found on the left hand side of the image.

All the content in the Planning Field is used to create new Task records.

Creating Idea, Work Session, Note, and Data File Link Records

It's easy to create a new Idea, Work Session, Note, or Data File Link record by just clicking on the appropriate New... hyperlink on the left side of the window.

All the content in the Planning Field is used to create new Task records.

When you click any of these hyperlinks, that type of record is going to be created and displayed in its "Editing" window so you can work with it. If you're creating Data File Link records (links to computer files), then the number of records that are going to get created and linked to the Idea record, will be the same as the number of computer files you select to be linked during the linking process.

Displaying Lists Of The Idea's Child Records

The image below shows a list of hyperlinks you can click on to display a list of all the child records linked to the Idea record the window is working with.

Use the Display... hyperlinks to display a list of the Idea record's child records.

Each list of records is displayed in an "Index" type window, like the one shown below, that displays information about the computer files linked to the Idea record and possibly one or more of its child records.

Use the Display... hyperlinks to display a list of the Idea record's child records.