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Using The Idea's Notes Index Window

The Idea's Notes Index Window is used to manage a list of all the Note records that belong to a specific Idea record.

The window's primary function is to make it fast and easy to locate a specific Note record, select it, and then perform database operations on it.

Idea's Notes Index Window

Displaying The Window

Before you can display the Idea's Notes Index Window you need to be in a window that's working with an Idea record, such as the Ideas Window, or the Ideas Index Window. The reason for this, is because it's that Idea record's Note records that you want displayed by the Idea's Notes Index Window.

On the left hand side of these windows is the Display Notes hyperlink.

When you click that hyperlink, then you'll see a new Idea's Notes Index Window displayed and it'll be displaying all of that Idea record's Note records.

When that hyperlink is clicked the selected Idea record's Note records will be displayed in an Idea's Notes Index Window.

Click the Display Tasks hyperlink.

Searching The Window's Records

At the bottom of the window's list of records is a Search panel that's used to locate sets of Note records.

All you need to do to find matching records is enter search words into the panel and then click the Search hyperlink.

Searching the window's records.

After the Search hyperlink is clicked the window will display all the records that contained the search words somewhere in the records fields.

Each record will highlight in light purple, the location where the search words were found.

Search results

Navigating Between Displayed Notes

You can navigate between a set of displayed Notes by clicking the Previous Note or Next Note hyperlink to move forwards and backwards through the list.

Or, you can enter a number between 1, and the value of the # Notes field at the bottom of the window, to go to the note at that position in the notes list.

In the image below only two notes are being displayed and by typing the number 2 into the box between the Next and Previous hyperlinks, displays the last note in the list.

Search results

Editing The Displayed Note

The Idea's Notes Index Window is read only, so it won't let you edit the contents of a note.

To edit the displayed note just click on the Edit Note hyperlink.

Click the Edit Note hyperlink to make changes to the displayed note.

Clicking this hyperlink will open the Note record in a Notes Window so you can edit it.

Make sure that you click on the Save Note hyperlink to save your changes because the Notes Window does not automatically save changes to its records.

Notes Window is used to edit the note.

Performing Database Operations On A Record

To do something with, or to, the note record currently being displayed you just click on one of the hyperlinks on the left hand side of the window.

The name's of these hyperlinks describe what they'll do for you, or to the note, when they are clicked on.

This window has a large list of hyperlinked database operations that the window can't display all at once.

However, the list is scrollable, so getting to any of those hyperlinks is easy.

Notes Window's hyperlinked features are mostly found on the left side of the window.

How To Display A Note In A Web Page

It's easy to create and display a web page that contains the contents of the note you're working with. Unfortunately the conversion isn't always 'style' perfect. Which means that how the note looks in the Notes Window isn't necessaryily how it's going to look in a Web Browser.

To tell create and display the note in a web page just clikc the Display Note In A Web Page hyperlink (shown in the image above).

It's the last hyperlink in the list of hyperlinks on the left side of the window.

After this hyperlink is clicked, your computer's Web Browser will open and it'll display a web page with that note's contents in it.

As much as is possible, the note's style settings are copied to the web page, but the translation is not always perfect.

The computer's browser displays the note in a new web page.