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Using The Ideas Index Window

The Ideas Index Window displays a list of all the Idea records a project owns.

You open this window by clicking on the Ideas Index hyperlink found at the top of every window in the software.

Ideas Index Window

Each Idea record is represented by a "record entry" in the center of the window.

Ideas Index Window

Searching The Index Window For Records

The primary function of this window is to make it easy for you to find a particular Idea record or set of records quickly and easily. The best way to do this is by using the Search Panel that's below the list of records. You enter keywords that you expect to be found somewhere in the record(s) you're searching for, and then click on the Search hyperlink to perform the search.

The search in this image wants to find all Idea records created in January of any year.

The search will scan 247 Idea records, looking for the search words 'January' wherever they're found in matching records.

Search for records created in Jan 2019

After the Search hyperlink is clicked, the window displays only those records that contain the search words anywhere inside the record's fields.

In this example, only 10 of the 247 records searched were a match.

Each record entry highlights, in light purple, where the search words were found inside the record.

Search results.

It's easy to filter the set of matching records, by simply erasing the previous search words, and replacing them with new ones.

For example, to see which of the matching records were created in the AM part of the day, run another search using the search word "AM".

Filtering the previous search records by running another search.

After the Search hyperlink is clicked, there is now just 5 of the previous 10 records that are a match.

Search results.

Selecting A Record So You Can Perform Database Functions On It

After you've found a record you're looking for, you need to single click on it, to select it, before you can run any of the window's database functions (such as displaying all of its linked Note records) on that record.

If you just want to open that record in its "Editing Window" so you can make changes to its fields, then just double click anywhere on its record entry.

Select a record by single clicking on it.

Asking A Selected Record To Display A List Of Its "Child Records" Or Linked Computer Files:

One thing you'll often want to do with a record is display a list of its child records.

For example the selected record in this image is linked to 67 Note records.

If we wanted to display a window that shows each of those notes, and lets us search their contents, then all you'd need to do is click on the Display Notes hyperlink, on the left hand side of the window.

Click the Display Notes hyperlink to see a list of all the selected record's notes.

After the Display Notes hyperlink is clicked the Ideas Index Window closes and a new window, the Idea's Notes Index Window opens and displays each of the selected idea record's notes.

The Idea's Notes Index Window lets you use search those notes in the same way you searched for Idea records in the Ideas Index Window.

The Idea's Notes Index Window displays all the selected record's notes.