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Deleting An Idea Record

Click on the Delete Idea or Delete Selected Idea hyperlink in either the Ideas Window, or the Ideas Index Window.

These are the only two windows that you can delete Idea records from.

Ideas Window
Ideas Index Window:
Ideas Index Window

A dialog box will open and ask you if you want to delete all of the Task, Subtask, Work Session, Note, or Data File records that are linked to the Idea record.

If you click the Yes button, then the Idea record and all of its child records are deleted.

The dialog box closes, and if you were using the Ideas Window to do the deletion, it closes too because its only Idea record has just been deleted.

A dialog box asks you if you want to delete all of the Idea record's child records too.

Transferring The Idea Record's Child Records To A Different Idea Record

When you delete an Idea record a dialog box asks if you want to delete all the child records linked to that Idea record as well.

Delete Child record dialog box

If you click the No button, then another dialog box is displayed and it shows you a list of all the Idea records that you can transfer the deleted Idea's child records to.

Visually scan, or keyword search this list for the Idea record you want to transfer the other Idea's child records to.

Then double click on that record and the child records will be transferred to it. Or, you could single click on the new parent Idea record, and then click on the Use Selected Record hyperlink.

Or, if you have copied the new parent Idea's complete ID number, then paste it into the Use This Idea ID field and just press the Enter key on your keyboard and the transfer will be done.

After the new parent Idea record has been chosen and told to link to the Idea's "child records", the dialog box will close.

If you were in the Ideas Window it will close too, because its record was deleted.

Ideas Window

But, if you were in the Ideas Index Window, then you'll see that the Idea record has been deleted, and the window remains open.

If you locate the Idea record that you transferred the deleted Idea record's "child records" to, you'll see that its totals for those types of records have just gone up.

To see any those records again just click on the appropriate Display... hyperlink.